Ready to run tools in CubePy Toolbox

Several ready to run tools are provided in the Toolbox when installing the CUBE software. To open a tool, just double-click on its name in the list. Detailed guidance is provided for each tool by opening the help from the tool GUI, by clicking on the question mark in the top right corner of the Tool window

The table below summarizes the ready to run tools available.

Category Tool Name Description
Matrix Conversion Tools Convert Matrix from CUBE 6 MAT to CUBE 7 Converts selected CUBE 6 Matrix (.MAT) to a CUBE 7 matrix (.cube-matrix)
Convert Matrix from CUBE 7 to CUBE 6 MAT Converts selected CUBE 7 Matrix (.cube-matrix) to a CUBE 6 Matrix (.MAT)
Convert Matrix from CUBE 7 to OMX Converts selected CUBE 7 Matrix (.cube-matrix) to an Open Matrix file (.OMX)
Convert Matrix from OMX to CUBE 7 Converts selected Open Matrix file (.OMX) to a CUBE 7 Matrix (.cube-matrix)
Network Conversion Tools Build CUBE Network From Shape Files Builds a CUBE 7 Network (.SQLite network) from selected Shape Files
Convert Network from CUBE 6 GDB to CUBE 7 Builds a CUBE 7 Network (.SQLite network) from selected CUBE GDB Highway Network dataset
Convert Network from CUBE 6 NET to CUBE 7 Converts selected CUBE 6 binary network (.NET) to a CUBE 7 Network (.SQLite network)
Convert Network from CUBE 7 to CUBE 6 NET Converts selected CUBE 7 Network (.SQLite network) to a CUBE 6 binary network (.NET)
Matrix Analysis Tools Generate Trip Ends Returns a CSV file with trip ends and a report text file with matrix information from the selected CUBE 7 Matrix (.cube-matrix)
Generate Matrix Statistics Reports in a text file general information and statistics from the selected CUBE 7 Matrix(.cube-matrix)
Network Analysis Tools Add Network Attributes Creates a new attribute in the selected CUBE 7 Network (.SQLite network) based on the name and type defined
Generate Centroids Generates nodes representing the zone as a point (centroid nodes) from selected polygon layer and CUBE 7 Network (.SQLite network)
Generate Centroid Connectors Generates links connecting zones to physical network (centroid connectors) from selected CUBE 7 network (.SQLite network) and reports them in a text file
Generate Network Statistics Reports network statistics and diagnostics from the selected CUBE 7 Network (.SQLite network) in a text file
Identify and Remove Disconnected Links Identifies, reports and removes, if desired, the links that are not connected on both edges from the selected CUBE 7 Network (.SQLite network)
Identify and Remove Disconnected Nodes Identifies, reports and removes, if desired, the nodes that are not part of any link from the selected CUBE 7 Network (.SQLite network)
Remove Centroid Connectors Removes all the links connecting your zone to the physical network (centroid connectors) and reports all centroids and centroid connectors from the selected CUBE 7 Network (.SQLite network)
PT Conversion Tools Convert NTL from CUBE 6 to CUBE 7 Converts a CUBE 6 non-transit file (.ntl) and system file (.PTS) to a CUBE 7 non-transit layer synced in a CUBE 7 Network (.SQLite network)
Convert PT Lines from CUBE 6 lin to CUBE 7 Converts a CUBE 6 line file (.lin) and system file(.PTS) to a CUBE 7 transit layer synced to a CUBE 7 Network (.SQLite network)
Data Conversion Tools Convert GDB to SQLite Converts selected GDB file to a SQLite database